Category Archives: Cannabis news

Senior smoking cannabis

Lighting Up Later in Life

Last spring, an analysis based on the National Survey of Drug Use and Health found that herb use in the prior year among people over 65 had jumped 75 percent from 2015 to 2018, from 2.4 percent of that group to 4.2 percent. By 2019, use had reached 5 percent. Read the full story in the NY Times.

Paul McCartney

McCartney Releases New Solo Album

Paul McCartney released ‘McCartney III’ today, a homemade solo album recorded during the pandemic. Read the review in Rolling Stone.

Our Newest Product: The Cannary Pouch Combo

We’re in the final stages of production of a couple of products that we’re very excited about: The Cannary Pouch and Lid’l Pipe. Last fall when Finch and his wife were packing for a trip and wanted to take along something to smoke, they realized they had nothing to carry it in except an old paper sack. So we designed a handsome leather pouch with separate pockets for a pipe and our stash. Continue reading

Welcome to Cedar & Finch

We’re excited to be here and look forward to bringing out beautifully designed and well made products. We hope you’ll come back from time to time and see what we’re up to.